National Policy of German Authorities in Belarus (1941–1944)


  • Dzmitry Kryvashei Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus



Belarus, German occupation, national community, national policy, German–Soviet war


The article characterizes the national policy of the German authorities in different zones of the occupied Belarus. The author explores the general and special aspects of its implementation, shows the main components of national and ethno-social problems, which existed among the local population. Special attention is devoted to questions like realization of genocide, action for strengthening the role of the local Germans, educational, religious and cultural policy. The author notes that German authorities had sought to exploit the complex realities of a multi-ethnic community in the country, however, cultivation of tension between different ethnic groups did not render the expected results.

Autora biogrāfija

  • Dzmitry Kryvashei, Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus

    Dzmitry Kryvashei (1972) is a researcher at the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and an associate professor at the Department of Cultural Communications of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts. Candidate of sciences (2000), the author of monographs “National societies of Belarus during the German occupation (June 1941 – July 1944)” (in Belarusian) (2009), “State cultural policy in Belarus (1991–2010)” (in Belarusian) (2014), “Fates of peoples of Belarus under the occupation (June 1941 – July 1944)” (in Russian) (2017). Academic interests: history of ethnic societies in Belarus, contemporary European policy regarding ethnic minorities, comparative analysis of cultural policy in European countries.

    Dmitrijs Krivašejs (1972) ir Baltkrievijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Vēstures institūta pētnieks un Baltkrievijas Valsts kultūras un mākslu universitātes asociētais profesors. Vēstures zinātņu kandidāts (2000). Autors monogrāfijām “Nacionālās kopienas Baltkrievijā vācu okupācijas laikā (1941. gada jūnijs – 1944. gada jūlijs) (baltkrievu valodā, 2009), “Valsts kultūras politika Baltkrievijā (1991–2010) (baltkrievu valodā, 2014), “Baltkrievijas tautu liktenis okupācijas laikā (1941. gada jūnijs – 1944. gada jūlijs) (krievu valodā, 2017). Akadēmiskās intereses: Baltkrievijas etnisko kopienu vēsture, mūsdienu Eiropas etnisko minoritāšu politika, Eiropas valstu kultūras politikas salīdzinoša analīze.




Kā citēt

National Policy of German Authorities in Belarus (1941–1944) (D. Kryvashei, Trans.). (2018). Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls Vēsture, 4, 159-169.

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1-10 no90

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