Author Guidelines
Manuscript guidelines for authors of the Journal of the University of Latvia. History
The manuscript must be original – neither published previously nor submitted to other scientific journals. The papers of the journal are double blind peer-reviewed. Manuscript has to be written in Latvian or English. Latvian authors are expected to write a summary in Latvian, if the article is written in English and the other way around. Other authors can submit a summary to the Editorial Board in English which will be translated to Latvian. The manuscript shall be prepared according to the requirements presented below. A manuscript should be 30 000 to 40 000 characters (including spaces) and preferably with no more than five illustrations.
Technical requirements
- Manuscript should be submitted in .doc or .docx format with the following parameters: font – Times New Roman, text character size – 12 pt, title of the article – 14 pt in bold, chapters – 12 pt in bold. Space between text lines – 1.5 lines.
- Pages must be numbered.
- Text must be written only by using the Latin alphabet; other writing systems, such as Cyrillic, must be converted according to the Latin writing system (after For example:
PAVL ROMANOV, ELENA JARSKAJA-SMIRNOVA (red.). Sovetskaja socialnaja politika 1920–1930-h godov: ideologija i povsednevnost. Moskva 2007.
- Figures must be in .jpg, .tiff or .eps format. The resolution of the figures must be at least 300 dpi.
Structure of the article
Title must be in English and/or in Latvian. In English all independent clauses must be written with capital letters. At the end of the title, by using footnote reference (please use “*” instead of a number) author must indicate the project (name and number) within which the paper was prepared, if there is one.
Author(s) details
Name and Surname, scientific degree, affiliation(s) and position, contact address and e-mail must be indicated.
In the abstract author must shortly characterize the theme, aim and results of the article, it should not exceed 800 characters (including spaces).
Below the abstract five to eight keywords must be indicated which characterizes the paper.
In the introduction author defines the theme of the article, problematics, research questions and aim of the study, characterizes the theoretical background and state of research on the subject as well as the topicality of it.
Body text
The article must be divided into chapters with no more than two subchapters. The chapter names must be cantered, and they should not be numbered. If necessary, it is possible to name chapters by using roman numbers or three “*” instead. Both – names of chapters and subchapters must be written in bold and roman (normal/ non-italic).
Mentioning a person for the first-time full name and surname must be written. Afterwards only the initial(s) of the name and full surname must be written. In the titles the full name and surname of the person must be written. After the initial of the name space must be used. Space also must be used if after a period a character follows. For example:
- gada 19. janvārī; J. Čakste, V. Vīķe-Freiberga.
If a dash is used to divide numbers with meaning “from–to”, then spaces should not be used. For example:
For manuscripts in Latvian all symbolic names must be written in roman and quotes in foreign language – in italic without quotes. For example:
Laikraksti “Jaunākās Ziņas” un Rigasche Rundschau.
For manuscripts in English all symbolic names in English must be written in roman and quotes, thus in foreign language – in italic without quotes. For example:
Newspapers Jaunākās Ziņas and “The Guardian”.
In the conclusions the author should present the new findings obtained in the study.
References and comments
References and comments must be added as the end-text footnotes. For the system of the references see below.
Figures and tables
Figures (including graphs) and tables have to be numbered, for manuscripts in English figures and tables have to be indicated in the text as follows: “Fig. 1”, “Table 1”, in Latvian – “1. att.” and “1. tabula”.
The description of the figure must be formalized as follows: name of the figure and/or short description, author of the figure (full name and surname), if unknown it should be indicated, source – book, collection, newspaper etc. from which the figure is taken and/or institution – archive, museum, library (if the figure is taken from their collections). Full, original name of the institution must be written when mentioned for the first time, for example, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid; afterwards it must be shortened by indicating as follows: (further – BNE).
In the title of the table the name of the data set shown must be included or a short description of the tendencies seen, name of the table author or institution and year created.
Citations in both – articles and reviews must be put in quotes. If the citation is short (phrase or one sentence) it must be integrated in the text in italic. If the citation is longer than one sentence, then it should be separated from the rest of the text in the new paragraph and format with excerpts. In this case the citation is also written in italic. If a word or sentence is not written in the citation “[…]” should be included in the text when it has been done.
In the summary the author shortly characterizes the study and the results. Summary should not exceed 4000 characters, including spaces.
References – overall requirements
- References and comments must be added as the end-text footnotes. Numbering of the references and commentary must be
- In the references the full name of the author(s), redactor(s) or editor(s) must be written. Name and surname must be written in small caps. After the name(s) of the editor(s) or redactor(s) in the brackets follows (ed.) or (eds.), (Hg.) or (Hgg.) or (red.) and period Rest of the references must be formed according to the descriptors of the literature used, for example, title, subtitle, place, and year of publishing, in the brackets name of the series or serial number. Number of page(s) must be indicated when the paper is mentioned for the first time. Name of the publisher must not be indicated.
- Reference is a grammatical unit; therefore, a period must be added at the end. If more than one literature is added in the references, they should be separated by using
- For dates between period and next number space is not needed, for example: 01.2012.
- If the year or place of publishing is not known, then abbreviation w. p. (without place) or/and y. (without year) must be used.
- If the year and/or place and/or name of the author is not mentioned, however one of them is known, then they must be written in square For example:
NAME SURNAME. Title. [Rīga 1932].
- In the text the number of the reference and comment must be written in roman, even if it is in the citation which is formatted in italic. The reference number must always be added after the
Reference system
Monographs and collective works
- Example: Monographs
1 JĀNIS BĒRZIŅŠ. Latvijas rūpniecības strādnieku sociālais portrets 1900–1914. Rīga 2009.
2 KAREN PETRONE. The Great War in Russian Memory. Bloomington and Indianapolis 2011 (Indiana–Michigan series in Russian and East European studies).
- Example: Thesis
3 BRADLEY WOODWORTH. Civil Society and Nationality in the Multiethnic Russian Empire: Tallinn/Reval, 1860–1914. Ph. D. University of Indiana. Bloomington 2003.
4 ANITA ČERPINSKA. Rīgas nozīme Krievijas impērijas aizsardzības sistēmā 1812. gada karā. Promocijas darbs. Latvijas Universitāte. Rīga 2010.
- Example: Collective works
5 ĒRIKS JĒKABSONS, VALTERS ŠČERBINSKIS (sast.). Latgaliešu politiķi un politiskās partijas neatkarīgajā Latvijā. Rīga 2006.
6 PAVL ROMANOV, ELENA JARSKAJA-SMIRNOVA (red.). Sovetskaja socialnaja politika 1920–1930-h godov: ideologija i povsednevnost. Moskva 2007.
7 VLADIMIR ZHUKOV. Russkaja jemigracija i fashizm: Stati i vospominanija. Sankt- Peterburg 2011.
8 GABRIELLE M. SPIEGEL (ed.). Practicing history. New Directions in Historical Writing after the Linguistic Turn. New York and London 2005 (Rewriting histories).
If in the reference specific page is mentioned, it must be written as follows:
9 ILGVARS BUTULIS. Sveiki, aizsargi! Aizsargu organizācija Latvijas sabiedriski politiskajā dzīvē 1919.–1940. gadā. Rīga 2011, 17. lpp. (in English articles – p.)
If the pages from–to are mentioned in the reference, it must be written as follows:
10 ILGVARS BUTULIS. Sveiki, aizsargi! Aizsargu organizācija Latvijas sabiedriski politiskajā dzīvē 1919.–1940. gadā. Rīga 2011, 17.–19. lpp. (in English articles – pp.)
If in the references, the monograph is mentioned repeatedly, then it must be written as follows: surname, name of the monograph or it’s shortened version, page. For example:
11 BUTULIS, Sveiki, aizsargi! 56. lpp.
If there are references of the same study as in the previous reference, then the Latin word “Ibidem” must be used regardless of the language manuscript is being written. If there is specific page indicated, it must be written as follows:
Ibidem, 56. lpp. (for manuscripts in Latvian)
Ibidem, p. 56. (for manuscripts in English)
If there are three or more authors of the study, then for the first time all of them are mentioned in the reference, afterwards only the name of the first author and “et al.”.
If the author has two or more names, then the first name is written and the rest of them in abbreviation. For example:
Article in the journal or other periodical editions
When referencing an article from the periodical edition, pages from–to of the article must be indicated and afterwards the specifically cited page(s) by using “here”.
- Example: article in the academic journal or a yearbook
12 ERWIN OBERLÄNDER. Sovjetizācijas instrumenti 1939./40. gadā un pēc 1944./45. gada. In: IVETA ŠĶIŅĶE (sast.). Padomju okupācijas režīms Baltijā 1944.– 1959. gads: politika un tās sekas / The Soviet Occupation Regime in the Baltic States 1944–1959: Policies and their Consequences. Rīga 2003 (Latvijas vēsturnieku komisijas raksti, 9), 50.–58. lpp., šeit 58. lpp.
The number of the volume or series must be indicated after the title of the journal. If only the number of volumes is indicated, then it must be written as follows:
13 GERHARDS ZIMONS. Jaunās nacionālās elites kopš 20. gadsimta 50. gadiem: Padomju Savienības kopējā perspektīva. In: Latvijas Arhīvi 2005, Nr. 4, 62.–72. lpp., šeit 64. lpp.
If both – volume and series are indicated, then:
14 ERIKA KUHLMAN. American Doughboys and German Fräulens: Sexuality, Patriarchy, and Privilige in the American-Occupied Rhineland, 1918–1923. In: The Journal of Military History 71, 2007, No. 4, pp. 1077–1106, here p. 1079.
- Example: press
In the Newspaper. If the pages of the newspaper are numbered, then specific page must be indicated in the references:
15 ASPAZIJA. Galvas inteliģence un sirds inteliģence (Vēlreiz par sieviešu jautājumu). In: Jaunākās Ziņas, 12.03.1932., 3. lpp.
16 Cīņas pieteikšana pornogrāfijai Rīgā. In: Jaunākās Ziņas, 12.10.1925., 4. lpp.
In the Journal
17 VALDA PĻĀVĒJS. Sievietes vēlēšanu tiesības. In: Sieviete 1931, Nr. 2, 23.–24. lpp.
When referring repeatedly:
SURNAME, Name of the article (if it is short) or shortened version of, page.
18 ASPAZIJA, Galvas inteliģence.
19 PĻĀVĒJS, Sievietes vēlēšanu tiesības, 24. lpp.
20 ŠĶIŅĶE, Padomju okupācijas režīms, 50. lpp.
Article in the collective editions
- Example: collection of the articles
21 MODRIS EKSTEINS. History and Degeneration. In: EDWARD J. CHAMBERLIN, SANDER L. GILMAN (eds.). Degeneration: The Dark Side of Progress. New York 1985, pp. 1–23.
22 CLAUDIO BOTRÈ, SILVIA MANI HURTER. The earliest roman counterfeit by means of gold/mercury amalgam. In: Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau = Revue suisse de numismatique = Rivista svizzera di numismatica. Bd. 79. Zürich 2000, S. 108.
- Example: lexicon
23 [RŪDOLFS BANGERSKIS]. Fōlklendu kauja. In: Latviešu konversācijas vārdnīca. 5. sēj., red. A[rveds] Švābe, A[leksandrs] Būmanis un K[ārlis] Dišlērs. Rīga 1930/31, 8894.–8900. sl.
Referring repeatedly:
24 [BANGERSKIS], Fōlklendu kauja, 8895. sl.
- Example: internet
If the reference given is to a resource in another language than Latvian, English, German and Russian, then after the title in the original language in the square brackets translation in English or Latvian must be written. For example:
25 IRMA ŠIDIŠKIENĖ. Institucinės santuokos apeigos: socialinės tvarkos įteisinimas Lietuvoje XIX a. II pusėje – XXI a. pradžioje [Institucionālie laulību rituāli: sociālās kārtības leģitimācija Lietuvā no 19. gadsimta 2. puses līdz 21. gadsimta sākumam]. 2006. Pieejams:– 716X/2006/4/Lit_084_099.pdf (skatīts 14.11.2011.).
If the article is also published in printed version, then reference should be as follows:
26 IRMA ŠIDIŠKIENĖ. Institucinės santuokos apeigos: socialinės tvarkos įteisinimas Lietuvoje XIX a. II pusėje – XXI a. pradžioje [Institucionālie laulību rituāli: sociālās kārtības leģitimācija Lietuvā no 19. gadsimta 2. puses līdz 21. gadsimta sākumam]. In: Lituanistica 68, 2006, Nr. 4, pp. 84–99; pieejams arī:–716X/2006/4/Lit_084_099.pdf (skatīts 14.11.2011.). In English – pieejams arī = available: …; (skatīts 14.11.2011.) = (viewed in 14.11.2011.)
Unpublished sources: single document or document collection
In the specifics of documents, the following information must be indicated: Institution and/or official on whose behalf document was created (name of the institution and/or name, surname, and position of the official) or individual who has published the document (name and surname of the person must be indicated), type of the text or document (for example, bill, protocol, letter etc.), addressee and/or aim, date (day, month and year, for example 03.12.1645.). After the description of the document, the name of the archive, fund-description-file, page, or page from–to must be written.
The name of the document must be formulated in Latvian or English (depending on the language of the manuscript) in square brackets the original language of the document must be indicated. In English manuscripts – [Russian], [German] etc.
27 Krievijas katoļu apustulisko draudžu statūtu projekts [kr. val.], 27.12.1871. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj istoricheskij arhiv, Sanktpēterburga (turpmāk – RGIA), 821-5-998, 6.–9. lp.
When repeatedly referring to the same file, but different page, it must be written as follows:
28 Atvaļinātā ģenerālmajora Erdberga ziņojums Zīversam (Sievers) [kr. val.], 03.05.1876. RGIA, Ibidem, 103.–104. lp.
29 Vidzemes ģenerālgubernatora Zōpa (Soop) vēstule pulkvedim Pistolkorsam (Pistohlkors) [vācu val.], 20.08.1694. Latvijas Nacionālais arhīvs, Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvs, Rīga (turpmāk – LNA LVVA), 7349-1-48, 438. lp.
When the other half of the page in the document is not numbered, then it’s previous half must be numbered with the same number but adding small v (which represents Latin word verso, i.e., other half), for example: p. 192v (without space).
30 Vidzemes ģenerālgubernatora Zōpa (Soop) vēstule asesoram Hagemeisteram (Hagemeister) [vācu val.], 29.04.1698. Eesti Ajalooarhiiv, Tartu (turpmāk – EAA), 278-1./IV- 36:4, 48.–48. lp.v.
With small letters – a and b sections of the columns are indicated, if the text of the source is written in columns, with a is indicated the left column and with b – right.
Published sources
Document collections
31 Polnoje sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii s 1649 goda (turpmāk – PSZ).
Tom 31, S.-Peterburg 1830, Nr. 24603, s. 619–622.
32 Latvijas Republikas II Saeimas stenogrammas, 1. sesija. Rīga [1926], 234. sl.
Separate document from document collections
33 Latvijas Republikas IV Saeimas IV sesijas 16. sēde 1932. gada 2. decembrī. In: Latvijas Republikas IV Saeimas stenogrammas, 4. sesija. Rīga [1933], 673. sl. [Citētās runas autora vārds un uzvārds].
34 Pārskats par galvas pilsētas Rīgas valdes darbību, 1935–1939. Rīga 1940, 331. lpp.
35 Sodu likums ar komentāriem – izvilkumiem no Senāta Kriminālā kasācijas departamenta spriedumiem un ar alfabētisko un salīdzināmiem rādītājiem. Sast. PAULS MINCS un JĒKABS LAUVA. 2. izd., Rīga 1938, 356.–358. lpp.
Chronicles, biographies, autobiographies etc.
36 Franciska no Moliano izmeklēšanas protokols 1312. gadā / Franciscus de Moliano conscriptio inquisitionis testium 1312. Liecinieku nopratināšana par notikumiem Livonijā 13.–14. gadsimta mijā. Tulk. un koment. ĒVALDS MUGURĒVIČS. Rīga 2010.
37 Indriķa hronika / Origines Livoniae sacrae et civilis. Tulk. Ābrams Feldhūns, koment. ĒVALDS MUGURĒVIČS. 2. izd., Rīga 2001.
38 Korāns. Tulk. ULDIS BĒRZIŅŠ, koment. JĀNIS EŠOTS. Rīga 2011, 102. sūra, 471. lpp.
Ancient prints
39 HERMANN SAMSON. Himlische Schatzkammer / Das ist: Lehrhaffte / deutliche / und wolgeründte Erklärung der Sontäglichen und fürnembsten Fest Evangelien / durchs gantze Jahr / also anfertiget und zubereitet / daß sie mit grossem Nutzen von Gelehrten und Ungelehrten kan gebrauchet werden, Erster Theil sampt beygefügtem Register. Riga: Nicolaus Mollyn, 1625.
Titles or the texts in the title page of the ancient prints can be very voluminous, thus must be shortened by excluding some parts of the text. These exclusions must be indicated with […]. Authors themselves must decide if they are shortening the title of the ancient prints.
Submission Preparation Checklist
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Section default policy
Copyright Notice
All abstracts or articles of the Journal of the University of Latvia. History are available in open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY NC 4.0) license. Submission of a manuscript implies that all authors agree to the agreement under which the paper in the Journal is licensed.
Authors who publish their papers in the Journal of the University of Latvia. History transfer the copyright of their work to the University of Latvia. Authors can deposit their papers in an institutional or other repository of their choices.
Authors are expected to have met the requirements of the editorial policy and publication ethics.
The journal allows ORCID iDs to be present in article metadata.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.