Participation of Latvian Volunteers in Medical Aid to the Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939)


  • Ginta Ieva Bikše Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia



Spanish Civil War, medical aid, medical personnel, Latvian volunteers, Latvian foreign policy


Of more than 100 Latvian volunteers that participated in the Spanish Civil War, 15 were involved in providing medical aid to the Spanish Republic. Among these volunteers were both men and women, who worked not only as nurses but also as doctors. The aim of the article is to analyse the participation of Latvian volunteers in the Republican medical service (1936–1939) focusing on their motivation, arrival in Spain, activities during the conflict and departure from Spain. This article also includes information about Spanish Civil War participants of Latvian origin that had lost Latvian citizenship at the time of the conflict in order to provide a broader perspective to Latvian participation and its surrounding circumstances.

Author Biography

  • Ginta Ieva Bikše, Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia

    Ginta Ieva Bikše (1993) ir vēstures maģistre (LU, 2018). Doktora grāda pretendente, Latvijas Universitātes Latvijas vēstures institūta zinātniskā asistente un Latvijas Universitātes Vēstures un filozofijas fakultātes lektora p. i. Izstrādā promocijas darbu par tēmu “Spānijas pilsoņu kara (1936–1939) starptautiskā dimensija un Latvija”. Zinātniskās intereses: Spānijas pilsoņu karš, starptautiskās attiecības 20. gadsimtā, Spānijas un Francijas 20. gadsimta vēsture, Latvijas ārpolitikas vēsture.

    Ginta Ieva Bikše (1993) holds a master’s degree in history (University of Latvia, 2018). She is a doctoral degree candidate, research assistant at the Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia, and acting lecturer at the Faculty of History and Philosophy, University of Latvia. She is working on doctoral thesis “The International Dimension of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) and Latvia”. Her research interests include the Spanish Civil War, international relations in the 20th century, the 20th century history of Spain and France, Latvia’s foreign policy.




How to Cite

Participation of Latvian Volunteers in Medical Aid to the Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) (G. I. Bikše, Trans.). (2022). Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls Vēsture, 11/12, 76-88.

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