Economic Cooperation Attempts between Sweden and Romania (1939–1944)


  • Andreea Dahlquist University Valahia of Târgovișt



trade, Second World War, Sweden, Romania, Germany, war economy, trade agreement


During the Second World War, both Sweden and Romania tried to balance their economies despite pressure from the Great Powers. The progression of war made a  closer collaboration between these two nations possible, increasing their trade. This article aims to follow the evolution of Swedish-Romanian economic relations between 1940–1944, identify successful businesses and highlight the challenges faced during this period. The main difficulties that impeded the  Swedish-Romanian economic cooperation were Germany’s refusal to issue transit licenses, Romanian anarchic trade practices and the inefficiency of the clearing system. The most significant event would be the signing of the first trade treaty between Sweden and Romania on 5 May 1943.

Author Biography

  • Andreea Dahlquist, University Valahia of Târgovișt

    Andrea Dālkvista ir jaunā zinātniece un Rumānijas Baltijas un Ziemeļvalstu studiju asociācijas ģenerālsekretāre. 2022. gadā ieguvusi vēstures doktora grādu. Viņas promocijas darbā analizēta Rumānija un Zviedrija Otrā pasaules kara laikā. Piedalījusies vairākās vietējas nozīmes un starptautiskās konferencēs un publicējusi rakstus Rumānijas un ārvalstu žurnālos. Viņas pētījumu uzmanības lokā ir diplomātija, identitātes politika, minoritātes un bēgļu vēsture 20. gadsimta pirmajā pusē.

    Andreea Dahlquist is an early-career researcher and the general secretary of the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies. She graduated last year, acquiring a doctoral degree in history. Her doctoral thesis analyses Romania and Sweden during the Second World War. She has participated in several national and international conferences and published articles in journals of Romania and abroad. Her research focuses on diplomacy, identity politics, minorities, and the history of refugees in the first half of the 20th century.




How to Cite

Economic Cooperation Attempts between Sweden and Romania (1939–1944) (A. Dahlquist, Trans.). (2023). Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls Vēsture, 16, 68-81.

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