Fighting over Children. Relief, Rehabilitation and Childhood in Lithuania, 1914–1923


  • Andrea Griffante Vytautas Magnus University



relief, rehabilitation, World War I, American Red Cross, Lady Paget Mission, American Relief Administration, Ober Ost, independent Lithuania


The article provides an insight into the history of Lithuanian war relief and rehabilitation work between the fall of 1914 and 1923. The author reviews how both during wartime and in the early postwar period Lithuanian humanitarianism became an instrument of nation–building, in which national and international actors intertwined the relief work and the goal to create new citizens. Relief and rehabilitation activities came out to be very similar in their purpose. 

Author Biography

Andrea Griffante, Vytautas Magnus University

Andrea Griffante (1980) has received his PhD from the University of Klaipėda and the Lithuanian Institute of History in 2011. Currently, he is a research fellow at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy. He is an author of several articles dedicated to Lithuania during the Great First World War. Research interests: processes of nation-building in the Baltic states, humanitarianism, World War I, history of the Baltic region.

Andrea Griffante (1980) ir ieguvis doktora grādu Klaipēdas Universitātē un Lietuvas Vēstures institūtā (2011). Kauņas Vītauta Dižā universitātes Politisko zinātņu un diplomātijas fakultātes pētnieks. Publicējis vairākus rakstus par Lietuvu Pirmā pasaules kara laikā. Zinātniskās intereses: nāciju veidošanās Baltijas valstīs, humānisms, Pirmais pasaules karš un Baltijas reģiona vēsture.





How to Cite

Griffante, A. (2017). Fighting over Children. Relief, Rehabilitation and Childhood in Lithuania, 1914–1923. Journal of the University of Latvia. History | Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls. Vēsture, (3), 124–137.