Approach to the Amendment Process of the Procedural Penal Codes in Latin America


  • Hardy Torres López



Latin America, Procedural Penal Code, Implementation of the Procedural Code, Latin American Courts, due process


The current article aims to provide the reader with a close view of the genesis of the movement and later the development of the Amendment Process of the Procedural Penal Codes that took place in Latin America at the end of the XX century and at the beginning of the XXI century, trying to focus in the common aspects that such a change had for the region and the challenges that the different Latin American countries had to face at the moment in which they had to implement a new Procedural Penal Code; as will be shown, those challenges were approached by all these states from diverse perspectives and not in a uniform way. At the conclusion of this article, a prognosis will be given regarding the road to be followed to solve some critical loopholes that still persevere.

Author Biography

Hardy Torres López

Mg. iur.
Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile
Professor of Criminal Law
Attorney’s General Office of Chile
Head Prosecutor, Pozo Almonte Local District Attorney’s Office




How to Cite

Torres López, H. (2017). Approach to the Amendment Process of the Procedural Penal Codes in Latin America. Journal of the University of Latvia. Law, (10), 49–57.