“The Political Platform of the Latvian People’s Council” of 17 November 1918 as the Founder of the Gender Equality Tradition in Latvia Within the Discourse of European Ideas on Gender Equality





the gender equality, women’s rights, political rights, marriage law, family law


The paper focuses on gender equality tradition in Latvia within the discourse of European ideas on gender equality, researching the avenues whereby the political forces decided to give women a political rights at the time of establishing the Republic of Latvia. The analysis leads to a conclusion that the Republic of Latvia joined the group of countries – trailblazers, which at the end of World War I, in establishing, transforming or restoring their statehood, founded a state with a democratic structure and legally enshrined civil society, recognising women as its members with full political rights. The author also challenges a thesis that the society, even after women have been granted full political rights by law, is not in a hurry to change gender statuses and the model of the family.

Author Biography

Sanita Osipova, University of Latvia

Dr. iur. 
Faculty of Law, University of Latvia
Professor at the Legal theory and History Department




How to Cite

Osipova, S. (2019). “The Political Platform of the Latvian People’s Council” of 17 November 1918 as the Founder of the Gender Equality Tradition in Latvia Within the Discourse of European Ideas on Gender Equality . Journal of the University of Latvia. Law, (12), 96–109. https://doi.org/10.22364/jull.12.07