Problematics of Identification of a Continuous Criminal Offence


  • Valentija Liholaja University of Latvia
  • Diāna Hamkova University of Latvia



criminal law, continuous criminal offence, real concurrence of criminal offences, qualification of criminal offences


The publication focuses on the issue of the substance of a continuous criminal offence and its features to draw a line of demarcation between a continuous criminal offence as a type of separate (unitary) criminal offence and the real concurrence of several independent criminal offences, which is required for the correct qualification of criminal offences. In searching for an answer to this, the criminal law regulation has been analysed, findings of the criminal law theory and judicature have been studied, the practice of applying the norms of criminal law in criminal cases of various categories, in providing the legal qualification of criminal offences, has been compiled.

Author Biographies

Valentija Liholaja, University of Latvia

Dr. iur. 
Faculty of Law, University of Latvia
Professor at the Department of Criminal Law

Diāna Hamkova, University of Latvia

Dr. iur.
Faculty of Law, University of Latvia
Docent at the Department of Criminal Law




How to Cite

Liholaja, V., & Hamkova, D. (2020). Problematics of Identification of a Continuous Criminal Offence. Journal of the University of Latvia. Law, (13), 76–96.