Axe in the 8th–9th century femalE Gender burials from the Latgalian and Selonian territories in Latvia


  • Guntis Gerhards The Institute of Latvian History of the University of Latvia
  • Antonija Vilcāne The Institute of Latvian History of the University of Latvia
  • Elīna Pētersone-Gordina The Institute of Latvian History of the University of Latvia



Viking Age, burial traditions, gender and sex, social status


The aim of the current research is to study burial traditions in Viking Age female gender burials containing an axe. This analysis encompasses the burials from the cemeteries of Lejasbitēni, Upmaļi, Boķi, Kalnieši II, Luces, Smoņi and Kristapiņi. The study is based on interdisciplinary analysis of archaeological material. Axes were found both in the graves of adult females, and non-adult female gender individuals. The axes found in female graves were smaller and lighter compared to those found in adult male graves. The handles of several female axes were wound with a decorative bronze strip. Although such axes have traditionally been regarded as battle axes, there is no evidence to suggest that these females were warriors. Dietary stable isotope data suggests that the females who were buried with axes had a similar diet to males, indicating that their social status was higher than average, and the tradition of burying them with an axe supports this possibility.  


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How to Cite

Gerhards, G., Vilcāne, A., & Pētersone-Gordina, E. (2024). Axe in the 8th–9th century femalE Gender burials from the Latgalian and Selonian territories in Latvia. Arheoloģija Un etnogrāfija, 33, 122-157.