Insights into Neolithic pottery technologies in a coastal district of Latvia: Analysis of the ceramics from the Siliņupe and Slocene settlements




technology, Neolithic, ceramics, petrography, x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy


This study considers the technological aspects of Neolithic pottery from Latvia’s coastal belt, based on the study of assemblages from the Siliņupe and Slocene settlement sites. The pottery has been analysed macroscopically, with a stereomicroscope, as well as by petrography and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Local clay beds have also been surveyed and analysed. It has been established that the pottery from Siliņupe and Slocene was made using clay from different sources, but these did not include the identified clay beds. Ten different fabrics were distinguished, which do not correlate between the two sites. Tempering materials include crushed shells of large freshwater mussels, as well as lagoon cockles, grog and crushed bone. The vessels were large and thin-walled, with sooting and charred food remains, indicating a cooking function. The vessel surfaces were striated, and a variety of stamps were used for decorating, including tools made from porpoise mandibles.



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How to Cite

Haferberga (Visocka), V., Kons, A., & Bērziņš, V. (2024). Insights into Neolithic pottery technologies in a coastal district of Latvia: Analysis of the ceramics from the Siliņupe and Slocene settlements. Arheoloģija Un etnogrāfija, 33, 87-121.