The Concept of Loyalty in Legal Regulation in the Republic of Latvia: Current Situation and Challenges
loyalty, officials with special service ranks, pedagogues, service, state, state workers, the requirement to be loyal to the stateAbstract
This publication analyses the concept of loyalty in legal regulation of the Republic of Latvia. The requirement for loyalty is included in several regulatory acts that determine professional standards and requirements for admission to public service or employment. The aim of the paper is to analyse the concept of loyalty in legal regulation and the practice of its application, to identify possible problems, and to propose solutions. The authors have conducted a study using the methods of interpreting the rules of law adopted in legal science. Grammatical, historical, comparative, teleological method and general research methods were used, such as comparison and summarization, causal relationship detection, analysis, and synthesis. Within the framework of the paper, several conclusions are made and proposals are offered for strengthening the requirement of loyalty to the Latvian state in the regulatory framework.
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