Consolidation of the Principle of Democratic Elections in the Law of the Latvian People
democracy, abolition of serfdom, electoral rights, freedom, civil parish communityAbstract
The article provides an analysis of the gradual consolidation of the principle of democratic elections in the election law of the Latvian people during the period from the abolition of serfdom in the Baltic Governorates of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 19th century until the adoption of the Satversme [Constitution] of the Republic of Latvia on 15 February 1922. Abolition of serfdom was chosen as a point of reference for the publication, because “emancipation” gave liberty to the majority of Latvians as persons belonging to the peasant class. Until proclamation of the Republic of Latvia (1918), Latvians gained election experience in electing the councils of civil parishes, cities and the State Duma of the Russian Empire. None of the elections held in the Russian Empire can be considered to be democratic, since the principle of voters’ equality was not complied with. Demand for democratic elections as denial of inequality consolidated among the Latvian people by the end of the 19th century. It is proven by the projects of Latvia’s autonomy, elaborated even before the democratic February Revolution in the Russian Empire (1917). Following the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia, the legislator only enshrined (documented) in legal acts the will of the Latvian people to elect state and local government officials democratically.
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