First Century of the Satversme: Constitutional Development and Perspectives
Satversme (the Constitution of Latvia), parliamentarism, separation of powers, constitutional relativism, judicial activism, weakness of the parliament, the President of the StateAbstract
The centenary of the Satversme – the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia – in 2022 was an important event for the State of Latvia. The Satversme is one of the oldest valid constitutions in Europe. Its fate is unique, making Latvia interesting in the context of comparative constitutional law.
The authors of this article have examined the creation and evolution of the Satversme in the course of the last century, as well as analysed the current changes to the system of the Latvian State. Re-examining the instruments of direct democracy (referendum and legislative initiative), by expanding participation of the totality of Latvia’s citizens in public administration, has been outlined as a direction requiring improvements, likewise, “parliamentary weakness”, leading to judicial activism, is examined and leads to reflections on the need to increase the role of the President in the area of separation of powers, as well as control over the parliament and the executive power.
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