Awareness of Violence as a Prerequisite for Prevention of Domestic Violence




violence, domestic violence, awareness of violence, prevention of domestic violence


Domestic violence is widespread in Estonia, – every second violent crime committed in Estonia is a domestic violence crime. Domestic violence offences include offences against the person (except offences against the deceased), robbery and aggravated breach of public order under the Penal Code, violence committed between current or former spouses, cohabiting partners, partners, and it may also include violence between relatives or siblings, irrespective of whether the perpetrator lives or has formerly lived in the same dwelling with the victim. Domestic violence is a human rights problem that undermines people’s right to liberty, security, dignity, mental and physical integrity and non-discrimination. It causes great suffering to the victim and his or her loved ones, and harm to society (medical costs, loss of working capacity, deterioration in people’s quality of life, etc.).

According to the author, the main prerequisite for the prevention of domestic violence is the awareness of violence as violence. Recognition of violence as such would also contribute to reducing stereotypical attitudes and victim-blaming in society.

Author Biography

Silvia Kaugia, University of Tartu

Dr. iur.
Faculty of Law, University of Tartu
Department of Criminal Justice
Chair of Comparative Jurisprudence


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How to Cite

Kaugia, S. (2022). Awareness of Violence as a Prerequisite for Prevention of Domestic Violence. Journal of the University of Latvia. Law, 15, 166–175.