The Concept of “Patriotism” in Legal Regulation in the Republic of Latvia: Current Situation and Challenges
patriotism, homeland, state, government, loyalty, officials with special service ranks, pedagogues, state workersAbstract
Several recent events in Latvian society, especially after 24 February 2022, raised issues related to patriotism. These include the discussions about the National Defense Service and the National Defense Training, about the possibility of losing (revoking) Latvian citizenship, if the naturalized citizen violates his promise of loyalty to the Republic of Latvia, about the loyalty of Latvian citizens and readiness to defend their country. Patriotism, in this context, is one of those concepts that is very widely used by politicians of opposite ideological views, other publicly recognised personalities, justifying their position on one issue or another. Patriotism is a multifaceted concept that draws insights from psychology, sociology, history, political and law science. It shapes national identity, influences civic engagement, and plays a role in international relations. The authors of the article will present their perspective on the concept of patriotism in legal regulation in the Republic of Latvia, analysing in depth the understanding and regulation of patriotism in Latvian regulatory acts.
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