A Turning Point in the Understanding of the Legal Consequences of the Conclusion of a Preliminary Contract in Latvian Case Law
preliminary contract, case law, right to claim real performance, “one step theory”Abstract
On 5 July 2023, the Supreme Court (Senate) delivered its judgement in case No. SKC-19/2023, departing from the current case law regarding the legal understanding and legal consequences of a preliminary contract, regulated in Section 1541 of the Civil Law, recognising that both the right to claim conclusion of the main contract and the right to claim compensation for losses could arise from the preliminary contract, as well as providing other important findings, inter alia, regarding the possibility for the claimant to join the claim for conclusion of the main contract in one with the claim for performance of the main contract. This article provides detailed insight into this judgement by the Senate, at the same time referring to the findings made in the current case law and legal literature, as well as pointing to possible future challenges.
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