Constitutional Identity Between Riga and Strasbourg: The Courts’ Dialogue Developing Latvian Constitutional Law
constitutional identity, inviolable core of the Satversme, Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, European Court of Human Rights, Court of Justice of the European Union, Court’s dialogueAbstract
The article provides insight into the recent development of the concept of constitutional identity in the Latvian legal system. The authors mainly focus on the dialogue between the national highest courts, especially the Constitutional Court, and the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union, concerning the concept of constitutional identity.
In recent years, both supranational courts have dealt with cases involving various aspects of Latvia’s constitutional identity and the respected constitutional values, norms, and principles that define it, as well as the relevant jurisprudence of the national highest courts. The case study of Latvia demonstrates that it is possible to guarantee a harmonious approach to implementing constitutional identity in light of the state’s international obligations as a member of the European Union and the Convention on Human Rights.
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