Domestic Violence in the Focus of Estonian Penal Policy and Implementation of the Law in the Light of the Istanbul Convention Requirements
violence, domestic violence, penal policy, implementation of the law, the Istanbul ConventionAbstract
Domestic violence is a multi-faceted phenomenon, encompassing social, psychological, medical and, certainly, legal aspects. Depending on the existing legal framework, it is the lawyers who have the possibility and even the duty to assist and protect the victim and to apply various sanctions against the perpetrator. The decision on the Principles of Criminal Policy until 2030, adopted by the Estonian Parliament, formulates the goal of the penal system as supporting law-abiding lifestyles and thus ensuring that the norms based on the values of our society are implemented, violations are responded to and conflicts are resolved fairly. These are goals that, if realised, could also contribute to reducing domestic violence in society. Estonia has ratified the Istanbul Convention and has made amendments to national legislation in accordance with the requirements of the Convention. Dealing with cases of domestic violence is nevertheless relatively problematic, especially from the perspective of the victim. The predominance of the settlement procedure or the practice of out-of-court restorative justice and conciliation in domestic violence cases, in the opinion of this author, tends to support the position of the perpetrator of violence.
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