Guidelines for Authors

The intellectual journal Akadēmiskā Dzīve (Academic Life) publishes scientific articles in all fields of science for a wide interested public about scientific, cultural and social issues important to Latvia – those that have already become or are becoming history of science and culture. Articles are accepted and published in Latvian, also in the orthography of Professor J. Endzelīns. The journal also publishes reviews of scientific works.

Acceptance of articles is ongoing. Each article is reviewed by two representatives from the editorial board, recommending that the article be published, rework or reject, the final decision is taken at the meeting of the editorial board. The articles are evaluated for originality, topicality, comprehensibility, logic of presentation, knowledge of the literature and language. The editors respect the anonymity of the reviewers. The author is informed of the decision within a week. Authors may consult the reviewers' evaluations and comments.

After the article has received a positive decision of the editorial board and the author has made the required corrections, the editorial office keeps it the right to make necessary corrections to achieve clarity of expression, as well as uniformity of style and presentation. These corrections are coordinated with the author.

Manuscripts are accepted in Word format, page size A4, standard text placement, font size 12 point, 1.5 line spacing (also in footnotes). The preferred font is Times New Roman.

At the beginning of the article, immediately after its title, the academic biography of the author should be inserted in the amount of 700-1000 characters (excluding spaces between words) and 5-6 keywords. A photograph of the author in electronic format should be attached to the article.

The list of references (references or bibliographic references) should be placed at the end of the article. References shall be arranged in Latin alphabetical order, according to internationally accepted transcription, without sorting by language (no Cyrillic, etc.) and, for Internet publications, indicate the date when it was reviewed. The models for the bibliographic description of the book, book chapter or collection of articles, journal article and Internet publication should follow the Harvard system:

Lasmane, S. (2012) Komunikācijas ētika. Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds.

Hallin, D. C.; Mancini, P. (2004) Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics. Cambridge, New York : Cambridge University Press.

Brikše, I.; Skudra, O.; Tjarve, R. (2002) Development of the Media in Latvia in the 1990s. Vihalemm, P. (ed.) Baltic Media in Transition. Tartu : Tartu University Press.

Balčytienė, A. (2009) Market-Led Reforms as Incentives for Media Change, Development and Diversification in the Baltic States: A Small Country Approach. International Communication Gazette, 71 (1–2), 39–49.

Dimants, A. (2016) Valsts nepieder kaimiņiem, bet viens likums – viena taisnība visiemDelfi (11.07.2016.). Pieejams: (06.11.2016.).

Baltic Media Advertising Market 2011 (2012) TNS Emor. Pieejams: (11.06.2012.).

Die Programme der Polytechnischen Schule zu Riga für die Jahre 1862/63–1881/82 (1881) Riga : Müller.

Grosvalds, I.; Alksnis, U.; Ruplis, A.; Meirovics, I. (2001) Ķīmija Rīgas Politehnikumā un Rīgas Politehniskā institūtā. Rīga : Latvijas ķīmijas vēstures muzejs.

Rainis (1981) Kajs Grakhs. Kopoti raksti, 14. Rīga : Zinātne, 329–434.

Internal references to records and notes, including references to archival documents, should be given in numerical order in footnotes at the end of the relevant page (letter size – 10 points), usually indicating the page or pages used; for convenience, a long title should be kept to its first words; for more than three authors, the first author should be indicated with the addition "et al."; adding a letter of the alphabet (a, b, c, etc.) to the year of publication according to the title for alphabetical order, if two or more works are published by the same author in one year:

Balčytienė 2009, 41–42; Brikše, Skudra, Tjarve 2002, 100; Baltic Media Advertising Market 2012; Die Programme 1881; Grosvalds et al. 2001; Rainis 1981b.

The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of notes and references.

Finally, a summary of the article in English of 1500-2000 typed pages (excluding spaces between words) should be attached, which sets out the aim and objectives of the article, formulates the central problem, describes the novelty and presents the main conclusions.

The maximum text length of the article is 30,000 characters (not including spaces between words), the recommended lenght is 6-12 typed pages, which also includes biography, summary, references resp. notes and references list.

According to the course of content presentation, the article should be divided into chapters, giving them precise titles. For the content of the article and the structure must meet the requirements of creating a scientific text. At the beginning of the article, the introductory part should state the problem, justification of the necessity of the research, relevance of the research. The solution to the problem should be described step-by-step in the outline part. This section should be structured with the help of chapter headings. Concise conclusions, evaluations, recommendations should be given in the final part, generalizations. The outline should develop logically, it should be compositionally thought out, terminologically precise, clear. The article must be written in good language, the Editorial Board does not accept works written in poor language.

The original form should be indicated for foreign proper names mentioned in the article. Excessive use of foreign words should be avoided.

The citations used must be accurate, if they contain omissions, they must be indicated: small omissions (a couple of words) – with colons .., but large (several sentences) - with colons in square brackets [..]. Formatting features: a single space must be provided after a full stop, a comma and between the initial and the word; text emphasis (bold, italics, underlining, etc.) must be used consistently; it is not desirable to clutter the text with emphasis. All names that are otherwise given in quotation marks, as well as names in foreign languages are given in italics, explanations in foreign languages – in parentheses and italics.

Images included in the text must additionally be sent as separate files of good quality, charts, graphs, etc. etc. – in editable format.

Average time from submission of material to publication - about 3 - 4 months.

The journal does not pay author fees.

No fees are charged for the reviewing process and publication.