About the Journal

JISIB is a peer-reviewed, no-fee Open Access Journal. The journal publishes articles on topics including market intelligence, marketing intelligence, strategic intelligence, business intelligence, competitive intelligence, collective intelligence, financial intelligence, scientific and technical intelligence, foresight, insight, and equivalent terms in other languages. These include “l’information stratégique et de la sécurité économiques” (Sisse) [previously “intelligence économique"] and “veille” in France, “omvärldsanalys” in Sweden and “Konkurrenz-/Wettbewerbsforschung” in Germany. The journal has a managerial focus as well as an applied technical focus (information systems), as these are now well-integrated into real life business intelligence solutions. By focusing on business applications the journal does not compete directly with journals that focus on library sciences or state/national/military intelligence studies. The journal only publishes articles on knowledge management and knowledge transfer in exceptional cases, as these are well developed areas with their own journals.

JISIB occupies a niche. It currently caters to a group of scholars made up of over 200 active individuals spread around the world. It is supported by an estimated 5,000 practitioners and caters to specific conferences (ICIECIS, SIIE, VSST, SCIP, ITICTI, EBRF, ECKM, AIM) where both academics and practitioners meet regularly. These conferences produce over 300 papers annually, of which over 40 are potentially full-length, scientific articles. JISIB publishes three issues a year made up of between five and seven articles and 55+ pages.

To strengthen the ties between business intelligence researchers and practitioners, an independent management board of practitioners has been created for the journal.

Those interested in posting research topics and discuss the journal can do so at the JISIB Linkedin Group. Another place to discuss topics related to the fields covered by JISIB is at the Competitive Intelligence group at Ning, which caters to more than 2,500 members.

There are many portals for Intelligence Studies which can be accessed in any language with Google Translate. These include World-Class CI (in English), and CI Worldwide (in French). Other journals with a similar scope include the South African Journal of Information Management and Revista Inteligência Competitiva

Thanks to all who are making this journal possible and have shown such patience!

Sincerely Yours,
Andrejs Cekuls
Professor of Business Management
Editor-in-chief, JISIB


Strategic Consortium of Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) is proclaiming the entire month of July to be Global Intelligence Month


This month-long celebration aims to recognize and highlight the pivotal role of ALL intelligence professionals worldwide, and to bring attention to the use of data and intelligence in competitive, market, economic and social applications to improve the wellness of individuals and organizations on a global basis!

This July, SCIP are offering exclusive discounts to help you take the next step in your professional journey:

40% off on memberships for groups of 10 or more

30% off on new memberships and renewals (https://www.scip.org/page/Membership-Value)

20% off on workshops, I-MAG advertisements and all items on SCIP Sponsorship webpage (https://www.scip.org/page/Sales-Support)

Read more about Strategic Consortium of Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) is proclaiming the entire month of July to be Global Intelligence Month

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business
View All Issues


Founding Editors

     Prof. Henri Dou (France), Goupe ESCEM

     Prof. Per Jenster (China), NIMI

Honorary Editors

     Prof. John E. Prescott (USA), University of Pittsburgh

     Prof. Bernard Dousset (France), Toulouse University


     Prof. Andrejs Cekuls (Latvia), University of Latvia

Regional Associated Editors


     Prof. G. Scott Erickson (USA), Ithaca College


     Christophe Bisson (France), SKEMA Business School


     Prof. Xie Xinzhou (China), Beijing University


     Prof. Adeline Du Toit (South Africa), University of Johannesburg

Editorial Advisory Board:

     Regional editors +

     Prof. Svend Hollensen, University of South Denmark (Denmark)

     Prof. Göran Svensson, Markedshøyskolen (Norway)

     Prof. Avner Barnea, Netanya Academic College (Israel)

(For full list of Editors see the Editorial Team page)