Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

The editors, editorial board, authors and reviewers of the conference proceedings „Valoda: nozīme un forma / Language: Meaning and Form” have a responsibility to follow the standards ensuring compliance with the publishing ethics.

The responsibility of the editorial board is to prevent violations of the publishing ethics. The guidelines for the editor, authors and reviewers of the series are based on COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors, see

1. Responsibilities of the editor
The editor makes the decision on publishing a manuscript based on the conclusion made by the reviewers. The editor ensures that the articles are being evaulated objectively, and that the decision on publishing is made solely on the basis of the  content. The editor has to ensure the confidentiality of the peer-review process.

2. Responsibilities of the reviewer
The reviewer observes confidentiality during the peer-review process and remains objective when reviewing the articles. The reviewer has to check whether references to all of the used sources have been provided in the article. If the reviewer is not sure of his or her competence in reviewing articles or if a conflict of interest forms, he or she informs the editor about this in order for another reviewer to be appointed.

3. Responsibilities of the authors
Authors observe the manuscripts submitting guidelines that are available on the homepage of proceedings. Authors submit articles that are completely original and do not submit works that are fully or partly submitted / published elsewhere. Authors are obliged to provide references to all of the sources used in the article.