Comparison constructions in Latvian
comparison construction, comparative construction, similative construction, equative construction, clause of comparison, language typologyAbstract
The article describes comparison constructions in Latvian according to the classification used in linguistic typology – comparative, similative, and equative constructions. In each of the types of constructions, the linguistic means used in the Latvian language, as well as components and typical markers of the construction are demonstrated. In Latvian predominate the constructions with a comparative particle – both in a simple sentence and a compound one. In a simple sentence, a construction with the preposition par is also used. The study has provided a conclusion that it is easy to distinguish comparative constructions, but the boundaries between similative and equative constructions are unclear because the formal markers of these constructions in the Latvian language (tik ‘this/that (much)’, tikpat ‘as much/many as’, tāpat ‘in the same way’, tāds pats ‘the same as’) are used in both types of constructions. The article also presents less frequent constructions expressing comparison, as well as some variations of constructions in the older language.
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