Interpretations of the Image of Jesus in Play by Velga Krile “Were You Fearful, You of Little Faith”
Jēzus tēla atveide, drāma, dievība-cilvēks, Jaunās Derības interpretācija literatūrā, varonisAbstract
The article is dedicated to the play “Vai jūs baiļotājies, jūs, mazticīgie” by Latvian poet and playwright Velga Krile, focusing on the author’s interpretation of the image of Jesus. The play was written in 1980 and first published in 1999. In the play, Krile uses New Testament passages to interpret and reinterpret Jesus, based on the idea that Jesus is a man who chooses to be a hero for society, as well as on the relationship between man and God (including deities). In Krile’s work, God is treated as cruel and ignorant, indifferent to the problems of humanity. Krile’s Jesus is, first and foremost, a human being, but human beings can be and are heroes; indeed, Krile addresses the question of whether society needs heroes at all, and what a human being must do to become one, concluding that the idea of heroism is a theatre performed by human beings in front of a deity.
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