Relationship Between Family History Knowledge, Identity Style and Resilience of 16-19 Year Old Adolescents




family history, identity style, resilience, adolescents


The aim of the present study was to examine the relationships between family history knowledge, identity style and resilience of 16–19 year old adolescents. Participating in the study were 110 adolescents (75% female, 25% male), ages 16–19 year (M = 17,62; SD = 1,23). They completed the Do You Know scale (Duke, Lazarus & Fivush, 2008), the Identity Style Inventory (Berzonsky, 1992) and the Resilience Scale for Adults (Friborg et al., 2005). The results showed positive associations between knowledge of family history and informational, normative identity style and resilience; and negative association with diffuse identyty style. Knowledge of family history predicted identity style and resilience, with the exception of the social resource factor ratings. Relationships with mother predicted the resilience factors of self-perception, family cohesion and social resources. The internal resource factor of resilience provided partial mediation between knowledge of family history and informative identity style.


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How to Cite

Siliniece, S., & Miltuze, A. (2022). Relationship Between Family History Knowledge, Identity Style and Resilience of 16-19 Year Old Adolescents. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 23(1/2), 41–62.