Job performance predictors in a group of information and communication technology specialists




job performance, non-cognitive predictors, information and communication technology specialists


Based on the theory of person-environment fit, non-cognitive predictors of job performance were studied in a group of information and communication technology (ICT) specialists. From various potential job and training performance predictors seven psychological attributes (personality, vocational interests, grit, growth mindset, self-efficacy, goal orientation and resistance to change) were chosen and tested as predictors of job performance ratings, as provided by either the supervisor or the study participant. The results indicate that grit, vocational interests, and resistance to change predict job performance in this group of ICT specialists. This study adds to the scientific literature of grit and vocational interests as non-cognitive predictors of job performance. Implications for practice include the recommendation of using grit and vocational interests in personnel management processes such as personnel selection or placement.


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How to Cite

Berga, L., & Austers, I. (2022). Job performance predictors in a group of information and communication technology specialists. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 23(1/2), 4–19.