Phraseological Units and Idioms, East and West and Where Do We Stand
phraseology, idiom, figurativeness, phraseological unit, definition, classificationAbstract
Phraseology has come a long way since the beginning of its studies. While many issues have been resolved, others expanded, the essence of the basic units – phraseologism idiom are still contested. The variety of approaches to the concept of the phraseological unit (PU), its categorical features and scope as well as various classifications create a never ending controversy. This paper attempts to draw together the main viewpoints of Eastern and Western schools as well as determine the basic features of the PU without an attempt to create a rigid framework. It views the PU as a stable unit with a fully or partially figurative meaning. The author considers that attempts at establishing a universal classification are doomed to failure as all features of PUs are relative, scalar and flexible.
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