Outside Matter Components of English-Latvian Dictionaries Compiled before World War II
English-Latvian dictionaries, lexicographic tradition, megastructure of dictionaries, outside matter components of dictionariesAbstract
The study focuses on the investigation of outside matter components included in the general English-Latvian dictionaries published before World War II (WWII). The first English-Latvian dictionary was published in 1924, six more dictionaries of various sizes and structural complexity were compiled before WWII which temporarily interrupted the development of the English-Latvian lexicographic tradition. Most of the dictionaries compiled during this period are small, only three of them contain 20-30 000 headwords, the others are considerably smaller. The goal of the study is to identify, classify and describe the functions of the outside matter components included in these dictionaries. The framework of the analysis was based on Svensén’s (2009) classification of outside matter components focusing on the functions rather than the location of these components. The analysis revealed some typical features related to the scope and location of the outside matter components of various functions encountered in the front and back matters of the seven ELDs published before the outbreak of WWII.
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