What is the Meaning of School/University Essay and Related Terms in English and Latvian?
contrastive analysis, school/university essay writing in EFL and Latvian, genre, rhetorical patternsAbstract
In the constantly changing world, teachers and researchers of academic writing of English as a foreign language face the problem of differences in writing in the target language and the students’ first language. They need not only to teach, but also to report on the contrastive research of writing in local and international conferences. Researchers encounter the problem of seemingly similar terms having a different meaning in the two languages. Thus, the paper aims at investigating the correspondence between the terms school/university essay writing in English (a foreign language) and their counterparts in Latvian (the native language) as used in theoretical literature. The analysis of the sources published in Latvia since the 1930s until today reveals that there is a tendency to introduce new terms, change the meanings of the existing ones and specify the conventions of essay organization under the influence of the English academic writing traditions. However, these new terms are applied somewhat differently, and the terms as such may vary depending on the personal views of the authors.
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