Characteristics of the Publicistic Style of Intonation in English and Latvian
phonostylistic variations, publicistic style of intonation, contrastive analysis, tone units, nuclear tonesAbstract
All language levels undergo linguistic variation. Phonostylistic variations depend basically on the aim and the form of communication and the speaker’s attitude. These include intonational variation in style appropriate to different speech situations. The paper focuses on features of the publicistic style of intonation in English and Latvian; the main purpose of the style is to stimulate and inspire the listeners. The material of the present auditive analysis comprises addresses by two prominent public figures: David Cameron, Prime Minister of the UK (10 August, 2011) and the President of Latvia (28 May, 2011). The analysis reveals the basic distinctions of the publicistic style of intonation in English in contrast to Latvian which has a more emotional approach, considerably slower tempo, more frequent use of long pauses, absence of low/mid rises in the final tone units, a more frequent use of level tones in the nonfinal tone units, an occasional high rise in the nonfinal tone units that is characteristic of colloquial speech. The speakers slow down before the most important pieces of information. The interpausal segments are occasionally short, since pauses do not always mark the boundaries of grammatical constructions. The public speakers’ voice timbre is dignified, concerned and personally involved. This analysis shows that there are features of the publicistic style of intonation that overlap those of the informational style of intonation. It proves the variability of style markers and points to the importance of the interpretation of a particular speech situation.
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