The Trace of Crete: Philological Aspects of Translation
Trace of Crete, Adonai ↔ Atonai, Christian Dogmatics, philological analysisAbstract
The Trace of Crete, an old handwritten text fragment of West Baltic (Old Prussian) origin recorded on the last page of the manuscript Logica parva by Paul of Venice (Paulus Nicolettus Venetus, 1369–1429), began to be investigated only recently. It has been stated that the said handwriting was completed in 1440 by a German copyist in the city of Canea (Gk. Χανιά), Crete, cf.:
Atonaige maian meilan am ne wede maian
wargan / Thaure ne ʃtonais po pieʃ pievʃʃen
abdolenai galei ragai / Stonais po leipen zaidiantȇ
acha peda bete medde
Only three attempts at decoding and recovering the scrambled text have been presented: by Stephan Kessler and Stephen Mossman (2013), Ilja Lemeškin (2019), Audronė Kaukienė and Dalia Jakulytė (2015). It is to be emphasized that all these efforts are hardly justified, cf. I. Lemeškin’s proposal to relate the text to a magical formula associated with the festival of the Whit tree, which is atypical to Balts.
On the basis of the presented new analysis of the Trace of Crete, the main conclusion can be distinguished – all three parts of the fragment are to be related to the adoration of the Christian God Jesus Christ, mentioned in the Latin sentence recorded before the text of West Baltic origin, cf.:
Sit benedictus natus uirginis nu et in euuʒ,
i.e. Let us praise the Lord who was born of the Virgin now and to the ages of ages.
Two translation variants of the fragment – interlinear and literary – are proposed:
(interlinear variant) Lord (↔ Atonai = Adonai), my beloved for eternity (↔ am[en]), do not lead me into evil / Aurochs, don’t stand on the edge
horns gore to death / stand under the linden in bloom
from which a bee gathers honey
(literary variant) O Lord, [I praise You] my Beloved for eternity, (You) do not let me be tempted /
Aurochs (↔ primordial God), do not stand on the edge (of the world), [where Your] horns gore [men] to death /
Stand under the linden in bloom, from which the bee [↔ Jesus Christ] gathers honey [↔ grants us blessed life / God’s love]
Referring to the results of the philological analysis of the Trace of Crete, one can state that the author of the fragment was an eminent expert in ancient hebraistics, who pursued a proficiency in the knowledge of the Holy Scripture and the writings of the Doctors of the Church and Christian Canticles. The story of the fragment was written in precise, rich, replete language. The author explains the principles of Christian dogmatics – the reach of the Divine and charisma – using well-known Latin biblical quotes, and also translated them into Old Prussian. Therefore, the statement of I. Lemeškin (2019: 289) that “The realia (decoded and only reconstructed) of the Trace of Crete should be explained in the context of folklore tradition” must be refuted. The narrative of the fragment is to be related to the Jewish religious heritage, but not to the customs of the ancient Balts.
To summarise the outcome of the research into the philological analysis of the Trace of Crete, the following conclusions are made:
- The plot of the West Baltic text of the Logica parva presupposes a familiarization with of Christian dogmatics.
- The fragment is composed of biblical quotations and paraphrases taken from the Christian Canticles and writings of St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Bernardus Claraevallensis).
- The narrative of the Trace of Crete is not related to the customs of the ancient Balts.
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