Establishing the Age of the Latvian Debitive Mood: the Evidence of Latgalian
Latgalian, debitive mood, Latvian dialects, East Baltic, historical linguistics, diachrony, morphosyntaxAbstract
This article attempts to determine the age of the Latvian debitive mood with the help of a systematic investigation of its attestation in Latgalian, the variety of High Latvian dialects spoken in Latgale. While the debitive in older Standard and Central Latvian sources has been studied extensively, the debitive in older Latgalian sources has not met with equivalent interest yet. It is against this backdrop that, for the first time, the present article seeks to provide a systematic historical survey of the debitive as attested in 18th and 19th-century Latgalian sources. This survey will show that the debitive is well-attested in Latgalian since the very beginning of its written record, and that it has most likely always constituted a genuine part of Latgalian morphosyntax. As Latgalian developed free from Standard/Central Latvian influence up until the 20th century, these findings have major implications for establishing the age of the debitive: the cooccurrence of the debitive in Latgalian and Central/Standard Latvian suggests that the debitive is a shared innovation of the Latvian dialects dating back to Proto-Latvian times.
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