Studies in Historical-Comparative Research on Lexicon and Phraseology in Baltic and Slavic Languages
Baltic-Slavic language relations, Baltic-German language relations, lexical equivalents, phraseological researchAbstract
This article emphasizes the need for updates and further development in historical-comparative research on the lexicon and phraseology of Baltic and Slavic languages. Important standard works are partially outdated and do not include the most recent findings achieved in the Baltic and Slavic-speaking countries. The author argues for a systematic approach that considers lexical and syntagmatic connections, including compounds and set phrases. The focus is on analyzing Baltic-Slavic lexical correspondences and distinguishing between common Indo-European heritage and innovations. The article particularly highlights methodologies for reconstructing formulas and phraseological expressions, which can also be applied to technical fields such as beekeeping and textile production. An additional goal is to expand research beyond Baltic-Slavic relations, including language contacts between Baltic and German, particularly in former East Prussia. Finally, the author points to the potential for a research project based on these insights to further examine both Baltic-Slavic and Indo-European linguistic relationships.
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