Exploration of Using Generative AI to Solve CI Analytical Tasks
competitive intelligence, generative AI, issues analysis, stakeholder analysis, trends analysisAbstract
This study examines the efficacy of generative AI platforms, including ChatGPT 3.5, Bing AI, and Bard, in performing competitive intelligence (CI) tasks such as Stakeholder Analysis, Issues Identification, and Trends Forecasting. These tasks are vital for analyzing various social, technological, economic, ecological, political, legal, ethical, and demographic factors that influence organizational or market dynamics. The main aim is to assess the capabilities of generative AI against human CI analysts in these areas, utilizing prompts and surveys to gather data.
The research engaged seven intelligence analysts of diverse experiences to evaluate the outputs from these AI platforms, establishing a benchmark for performance standards and identifying any limitations of generative AI in CI roles. The findings indicate that as of the end of 2023, generative AI does not match the performance level of human analysts in CI tasks. However, all platforms demonstrated some capacity to handle the tasks, with varying levels of success depending on the specific function, suggesting that while they cannot replace human analysts, they can augment their efforts.
Significantly, the study reveals that each AI platform has unique strengths and weaknesses, which were evident in their task-specific performances. Bard emerged as the most consistent, while Bing performed well in issues and stakeholder analysis but less so in trends forecasting. ChatGPT showed the least consistent results across the tasks.
The implications of these findings are profound for the integration of AI into CI roles. Analysts are encouraged to experiment with different AI tools to discover which best suits their needs, recognizing that these technologies are tools to assist rather than replace human analytical skills. This approach not only preserves but enhances the human element crucial in CI tasks, ensuring that AI and human intelligence together will shape the future of the competitive intelligence field.
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