Exploring competitive intelligence practices to enhance growth of the agro-processors in Limpopo Province
Agro-processors, competitive advantage, competitive intelligence, decision-making, growth, strategisingAbstract
In order to improve the growth prospects for agro-processors, this article explores the realm of competitive intelligence practices within the agro-processing sector in Limpopo Province, South Africa. This study was inspired by the province's abundant agricultural resources, which have the potential to stimulate the growth of the agro-processing industry. Despite having a wealth of resources for value addition, the Limpopo Province has difficulties as seen by its high unemployment rates and relatively low economic growth when compared to other South African provinces. One of the main causes of this gap is the lack of growth in the agro-processing industry. To promote the development of agro-processors, the research paper focused on exploring competitive intelligence practices that are being used by the agro-processing industry in Limpopo Province and to determine the role of competitive intelligence in strategising and decision-making in the agricultural industry. The study aimed to provide strategy enhancement and decision-making optimisation within agro-processing enterprises operating in the Limpopo Province.
This study was qualitative in nature and adopted an exploratory design as well as utilising a multi-case strategy. Data was collected from eight agro-processing subsectors in Limpopo Province. Semi-structured web-based questionnaires and open-ended telephone interviews were used as data collection instruments. The study was cross-sectional in nature whereby data was collected once and over a short period of two (2) months. The research’s target population was 130 agro-processors registered under the Sub-Directorate Agro-Processing and Value Addition Services within the Agribusiness Support and Development Directorate of the Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. The study sample comprised of twenty CEOs and twenty managers, selected through non-probability purposive sampling. CEOs responded to web-based questionnaires, while managers participated in telephone interviews. The primary data gathered underwent thematic analysis, facilitated by Atlas.ti version 28 windows computer software, which aided in data coding. The result of this research provides a thorough review of competitive intelligence practices and their functions in the agro-processing sector. The findings emphasised the various strategies used by agro-processors to successfully navigate a competitive market, and they show the significance of obtaining and applying competitive intelligence to guide strategic choices and increase growth.
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