The mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the impact of knowledge management processes on successful organizational performance at industrial sector in Jordan
Entrepreneurial Orientation, Knowledge Management Processes, Organizational Performance, Industrial SectorAbstract
The study aimed to identify the mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the impact of knowledge management processes on successful organizational performance at industrial sector in Jordan. A quantitative questionnaire survey is conducted. The study population consisted of all senior and middle administrations and employees in the pharmaceutical industry companies in Jordan. The study sample consisted of (150) senior and middle administrations, and (250) employees. The study sample was selected by random stratified method. The results revealed that There is an impact of knowledge management on the Organizational performance at (α ≤ 0.05) in the pharmaceutical industry companies in Jordan. Furthermore, there is an impact of knowledge management on the Entrepreneurial Orientation at (α ≤ 0.05) in the pharmaceutical industry companies in Jordan. Our research mainly contributes to suggesting a new mechanism for applying knowledge management and leadership, which has been turned into a tool for improving organizational performance in the company and delivering a high quality product. This new mechanism contains five steps that managers and employees can apply.
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