How to improve the vision and competitive advantage of a new product by ICT and OLC?
Human resources and capital are the basis of any successful organization but nowadays, organizations that learn and are based on innovation are more successful. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on new product competitive advantage (NPCA) and new product vision (NPV) through the partial mediating role of organizational learning capability (OLC) by structural equation modeling (SEM). Iran’s Automobile Industry was selected as the statistical population. The results show that ICT has a significant effect on OLC and OLC has a significant effect on NPCA and NPV, which indicates the indirect effect of ICT on NPCA and NPV and confirms the mediating role of OLC. ICT also has a significant direct effect on NPCA and NPV, which confirms the partial mediating role of OLC. Finally, NPCA and NPV can be improved through OLC by using and implementing ICT.
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