Mobile Applications Adoption and Use in Strategic Competitive Intelligence: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
Strategic Competitive Intelligence, UTAUT, UTAUT2, Adoption, Mobile Applications, Use behaviour, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of TechnologyAbstract
This article examined the key determinants of mobile applications’ adoption
and use in strategic competitive intelligence. A quantitative research based on a survey of
150 participants drawn from strategic competitive intelligence practitioners and analysts was
used to examine and validate the extended UTAUT2 Model to identify the key determinants
of mobile applications` adoption and use in SCI. PLS-SEM algorithm was used to analyse
data. Findings show that PE, SI, HT, SE, and BI had significant influence over UB while EE,
HM, PV, SN, and PR had an insignificant influence. Adoption and use of mobile applications
was considered a planned behaviour. Perhaps the most important findings for SCIPs relate
to the importance-performance map analysis that showed the greater absolute importance of
self-efficacy on use behaviour. Previous empirical studies have largely ignored the influence of
cognitive psychological perceptive which this study addressed by examining key determinants
of behaviour intention and user behaviour.
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