Intention to use mobile applications in competitive intelligence: An extended conceptual framework
Behavioural intention, competitive intelligence, mobile applications, mobile apps, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, use behaviour, UTAUT, UTAUT2Abstract
This article aims at identifying the key antecedents to behavioral intention and use behavior of individuals regarding mobile applications that can support competitive intelligence of firms. Attention was given to perspective antecedents in behavioural intention and use behaviour of mobile applications in competitive intelligence. A qualitative research based on a literature review of 21 peer-reviewed journal articles covering a period of six years from 2014 was used. These articles were collected from separate databases using search engines. All UTAUT2 constructs had a direct and significant influence on mobile application use. Following significance factors were ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, and trust. However, perceived risk, subjective norms, and self-efficacy were insignificant. An extended model was later developed with 15 constructs. This article highlights the key determinants of user behavior regarding mobile applications that firms should act on in order to foster the acceptance of these technologies despite the privacy risks that arise. Previous research has largely ignored the influence of perceptive antecedents in the behavioural intention and use behaviour of mobile applications in competitive intelligence. This article covers this gap by drawing attention to the cognitive psychological perspective of the phenomenon.
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