Identifying key effective factors on the implementation process of business intelligence in the banking industry of Iran
Banking industry, business intelligence, fuzzy Delphi technique, implementing business intelligence, key factorsAbstract
Though many organizations have turned to developing and using business intelligence systems, not all have been successful in implementing such systems. These systems have social-technical dimensions with many elements and are very complicated. Numerous studies have been carried out on implementation and employment of business intelligence, but in the past studies only specific aspects and dimensions have been addressed. The aim of this study is to identify key factors in the implementation process of business intelligence in the Iranian banking industry. The present research is objectively applied as a survey study in implementation strategy. Also it is a descriptive study in terms of the research plan and data collection where two documentary and field study methods have been used for collecting data. The statistical population of this study comprises experts and professionals in information technology who are active in implementing solutions for business intelligence in the banking industry of Iran. In this study, 16 people were chosen based on non-random judgment sampling combined with targeted and snowball sampling as a statistical sample and their viewpoints were extracted and refined using the Fuzzy Delphi Technique. First through studying past research records and reviewing literature of effective factors in implementing business intelligence process, 37 factors were identified. Then by implementing five rounds of the Fuzzy Delphi Technique, 39 factors were confirmed as significant among 37 factors affecting the business intelligence implementation process in past studies and 10 factors proposed by experts. Also, these 39 factors were classified in nine main groups including organizational, human, data quality, environmental, system ability, strategic, service quality, technical infrastructure, and managerial factors. Managers and executives of business intelligence projects in Iran's banking industry can achieve the given objectives and results by considering such significant factors in planning and taking measures related to effective implementation of business intelligence.
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