Economic and industrial espionage at the start of the 21st century – Status quaestionis


  • Klaus Solberg Søilen Halmstad University Author



Economic espionage, hacking, industrial espionage, literature review, signal intelligence


This article is a literature review where the aim is to define a status quaestionis for the field of economic and industrial espionage. History shows how those who engage in these activities often are the scientifically and industrially weaker party, the party that is learning or trying to catch up. On a global scale economic and industrial espionage can be seen as a form of involuntarily sharing that has a series of positive results for economic development. On the scale of the individual businesses attacked, and for tax authorities in those countries, it is a troublesome phenomenon that must be regulated and punished. Governments must prepare society for systematic and frequent cyberattacks. Private companies are wise to move to stricter security controls, which must include encryption. A number of specific research projects are suggested throughout the article. In the literature we have identified the following agent motives: the employee who needs money, has split loyalties, leaves angry, the occasional thieve and the professional spy.


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How to Cite

Solberg Søilen, K. (2016). Economic and industrial espionage at the start of the 21st century – Status quaestionis. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 6(3), 51-64.