A place for intelligence studies as a scientific discipline


  • Klaus Solberg Søilen Department of Engineering, Natural Sciences and Economics, Faculty of Marketing, Halmstad University Author




competitive intelligence, intelligence studies, science


Is the field of Competitive Intelligence (CI) or Intelligence Studies (IS) a proper scientific field of study? The empirical investigation found that academic and professional within CI and IS could not agree upon what dimensions, topics or content are handled by their own area of interest that is not covered by other areas of study. In fact, most topics listed as special for CI and IS are covered by other established scientific journals. Most topics are covered by other disciplines. The data also showed that the same group could not list any analysis that is not used by other areas of study. It shows that a majority of the analyses the respondents think are unique to their study come from the area of strategy and military intelligence. However, this does not mean that CI and IS does not have its own place or niche as a study and discipline. It is suggested here, but further investigation is encouraged, that CI and IS brings a number of unique dimension to the social sciences.


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How to Cite

Solberg Søilen, K. (2016). A place for intelligence studies as a scientific discipline. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 5(3), 35-46. https://doi.org/10.37380/jisib.v5i3.136