A new evaluation model of ERP system success
ERP system, success, evaluation approaches, Evaluation Success FactorsAbstract
This article presents a literature review about the success evaluation in the information system, and proposes a new evaluation success model suited to the ERP software. In the first part we present approaches, frameworks and models of the evaluation success previously used and empirically validated by researchers in the IS field. Then, we present our Evaluation Success Model, highlighting its three main theoretical foundations: Mathematical theory of communication, diffusion of innovation theory and adaptive structuration theory in the one hand, and we expose the main construct of this model named the ESF (Evaluation Success Factors) on the other hand. These factors are classified in three categories: technological, environmental and organizational evaluation factors. This work analyses articles published in the last decade about the success evaluation and delineates ten ESF’s widely used to evaluate the success of the ERP system project.References
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