The development of North Sulawesi through Competitive Intelligence


  • Julyeta P.A Runtuwene Universitas Negeri Manado, Kampus Tomohon Author
  • Audy Aldrin Kenap Universitas Negeri Manado, Kampus Tomohon Author
  • Verry Ronny Palilingan Universitas Negeri Manado, Kampus Tomohon Author



Competitive Intelligence, Indonesia, North Sulawesi, SULUT region


In this paper we present how Competitive Intelligence was introduced into the North Sulawesi in Indonesia. Starting from education and to the development of a threshold of graduated student in that field, it was necessary to move to the conquest of local policy positions to be sure that the methods and tools of Competitive Intelligence will be used to second regional development. The SULUT region constitutes a living laboratory where the methods and tools of Competitive Intelligence have been used not only to develop a Competitive Intelligence Regional Unit, but to create policy conditions enabling the development of this unit.


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How to Cite

P.A Runtuwene, J., Kenap, A. A., & Palilingan, V. R. (2014). The development of North Sulawesi through Competitive Intelligence. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 4(1), 36-42.