ICT Lifecycle and its major Role in the Development of Strategic Intelligence


  • Francisco Carlos Paletta Cidade Universitária Author
  • Nilson Dias Vieira Junior Cidade Universitária Author




Competitive Intelligence, Information Technology, Innovation, IT Lifecycle


In this article, we focus on the role of Information and Communication Technologies - ICT - to create additional sources of competitive advantage that can help companies to prepare themselves for sustainable growth. First, we discuss the dynamics of ICTs and the ability to generate innovations with a direct impact on business. Then we present the need for greater balance between goals of short and long term on IT projects. In the third part, we discuss how these new technologies have helped to increase the productivity of information professionals as well as to enhance the decision-making process and the satisfaction of the end customer. To conclude, the main challenges that the technology-based companies will have to face in relation to the management of the lifecycle of their technology, is consolidation and simplification of their processes within their computing environments, aiming to increase productivity and develop agile environments that allow the organizations to meet the demands of managing digital information.


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How to Cite

Paletta, F. C., & Dias Vieira Junior, N. (2013). ICT Lifecycle and its major Role in the Development of Strategic Intelligence. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 3(2), 62-78. https://doi.org/10.37380/jisib.v3i2.70