Applying Competitive Intelligence: The Case of Thermoplastics Elastomers


  • Marisela Rodriguez Salvador Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Author
  • Luis Francisco Salinas Casanova Exa-tec Campus Monterrey Author



Competitive Intelligence, Thermoplastics Elastomers, Styrenic Block Copolymers, Hydrogenated Styrenic Block Copolymers


The objective of this article is to investigate and identify drivers to compete in the industry of plastics through the application of the methodology of Competitive Intelligence. Practical implications: This article provides a practical case of the Competitive Intelligence Methodology applied to the Thermoplastics Elastomers Industry, specifically within the Styrenic Block Copolymers category. The output of this research helped support a Mexican Company in their decision-making process.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez Salvador, M., & Salinas Casanova, L. F. (2012). Applying Competitive Intelligence: The Case of Thermoplastics Elastomers. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 2(3), 41-47.