Establishment and application of Competitive Intelligence System in Mobile Devices


  • Anass El Haddadi University of Toulouse Author
  • Bernard Dousset University of Toulouse Author
  • Ilham Berrada University of Med V-Souissi Author



Competitive Intelligence, competitive intelligence systems, XPlor EveryWhere, Business Intelligence, continuous evolution


The strategy concept has changed dramatically: from a long range planning to strategic planning then to strategic responsiveness. This response implies moving from a concept of change to a concept of continuous evolution. In our context, the competitive intelligence system presented aims to improve decision‐making in all aspects of business life, particularly for offensive and innovative decisions. In the paper we present XPlor EveryWhere, our competitive intelligence system based on a multidimensional analysis model for mobile devices. The objective of this system is to capture the information environment in all dimensions of a decision problem, with the exploitation of information by analyzing the evolution of their interactions.


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How to Cite

El Haddadi, A., Dousset, B., & Berrada, I. (2011). Establishment and application of Competitive Intelligence System in Mobile Devices. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 1(1), 87-96.