The linkage between competitive intelligence and competitive advantage in emerging market business: A case in the commercial vehicle industry
Competitive advantage, competitive intelligence, firm performanceAbstract
To achieve competitive advantage (CA) in emerging markets (EM) firms are suggested to increase market orientation, using competitive intelligence (CI) as a source to increase firm performance. However, in-depth linkage between CA and CI, as well as its awareness/culture and process/structure constructs, has been researched and understood only in a limited way in general and for EM business in particular. This paper gives in-depth clarification of six research questions relating to the connection between CI, its constructs and CA for EM business as well as how CI as a product/process could be adapted for a larger impact on CA. It reports on a qualitative, document and interview data based in-depth single case study at a CI department of a European Union (EU) commercial vehicle manufacturer engaging in EM business. It finds that overall the linkage of CI for CA was traceable and transparent to users/generators of CI in the specific case with ambiguously perceived limitations, and influenced by seven identified factors. Seven out of eight pre-identified CI constructs were promoted but also heterogeneously understood as contributing to CA, with no other relevant constructs identifiable. Adaptions for more impact on CA were recommended for CI as a product in a limited sense, and as a process with eight potential levers more comprehensively. These results help businesses to improve CI, its constructs, its products and process for a better linkage to CA and firm performance.
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