Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business
JISIB is a peer-reviewed, no-fee Open Access Journal. The journal publishes articles on topics including market intelligence, marketing intelligence, strategic intelligence, business intelligence, competitive intelligence, collective intelligence, financial intelligence, scientific and technical intelligence, foresight, insight, and equivalent terms in other languages. These include “l’information stratégique et de la sécurité économiques” (Sisse) [previously “intelligence économique"] and “veille” in France, “omvärldsanalys” in Sweden and “Konkurrenz-/Wettbewerbsforschung” in Germany. The journal has a managerial focus as well as an applied technical focus (information systems), as these are now well-integrated into real life business intelligence solutions. By focusing on business applications the journal does not compete directly with journals that focus on library sciences or state/national/military intelligence studies. The journal only publishes articles on knowledge management and knowledge transfer in exceptional cases, as these are well developed areas with their own journals.
JISIB occupies a niche. It currently caters to a group of scholars made up of over 200 active individuals spread around the world. It is supported by an estimated 5,000 practitioners and caters to specific conferences (ICI, ECIS, SIIE, VSST, SCIP, ITICTI, EBRF, ECKM, AIM) where both academics and practitioners meet regularly. These conferences produce over 300 papers annually, of which over 40 are potentially full-length, scientific articles. JISIB publishes three issues a year made up of between five and seven articles and 55+ pages.
To strengthen the ties between business intelligence researchers and practitioners, an independent management board of practitioners has been created for the journal.
Those interested in posting research topics and discuss the journal can do so at the JISIB Linkedin Group. Another place to discuss topics related to the fields covered by JISIB is at the Competitive Intelligence group at Ning, which caters to more than 2,500 members.
There are many portals for Intelligence Studies which can be accessed in any language with Google Translate. These include World-Class CI (in English), and CI Worldwide (in French). Other journals with a similar scope include the South African Journal of Information Management and Revista Inteligência Competitiva.
Thanks to all who are making this journal possible and have shown such patience!
Sincerely Yours,
Andrejs Cekuls
Professor of Business Management
Editor-in-chief, JISIB -
Akadēmiskā Dzīve
The journal Akadēmiskā Dzīve (Academic Life) is an interdisciplinary journal published once a year in Latvian for the academic community and others interested in scientific, cultural and social issues of Latvian and international importance that have already become or are becoming the history of science and culture. The journal publishes original, double-blinded peer-reviewed research results in the fields of history of science, humanities and social sciences, as well as reviews of the latest academic literature and significant Latvian scientific and cultural events.
Arheoloģija un etnogrāfija
The scientific publication Arheoloģija un etnogrāfija (Archaeology and Ethnography) presents papers on archaeology, bioarchaeology and ethnography in present-day Latvia and the Baltic Sea region, including interdisciplinary research. The collection of papers is published by the Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia, but the range of authors has always been wider. The publication has an international editorial board, and the submitted articles are subject to anonymous peer review. It has been published since 1957 with varying regularity, and in the many years of its existence has had a significant role not only in communicating scientific findings but also in promoting Latvia’s archaeological heritage and traditional cultural values.
Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture
The Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture (BJELLC) is an open access multidisciplinary international scholarly journal, which is issued once a year by the University of Latvia (since 2011).
The BJELLC aims to help scholars doing research in linguistics, literature and culture to share their knowledge worldwide through open access.
As the journal covers a wide range of topics, it will be a valuable source for scholars, teachers and advanced students. The articles reflect theoretical and empirical interests of scholars from all over the world. The studies focus on synchronic and diachronic as well as comparative aspects of the English language, culture and literature.ISSN 1691-9971 (print)
ISSN 2501-0395 (online) -
Baltic Journal of Psychology
The Baltic Journal of Psychology is published by the University of Latvia and is prepared for publication by the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia. The journal publishes original papers on current issues in psychology as well as empirical, theoretical, and practical articles on broad aspects of psychology.
ISSN 1407-768X (print)
ISSN 2592-933X (online) -
Baltu Filoloģija
Baltu Filoloģija is a fully refereed journal of the University of Latvia with an international panel of referees. All articles submitted are assessed by our referees before being accepted for publication.
Journal "Ceļš" (The Way) is published by University of Latvia once a year with papers in both Latvian and English. It is a peer-reviewed (based on initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing by two specialist referees) interdisciplinary journal of the University of Latvia. The journal is continuously published to deepen the readers' knowledge about theology and religious studies and related historical and present processes. "Ceļš" explores the problematics of theology and religious studies in a global context, especially focusing on the analysis of religious life in Latvia and the Baltics. The journal was first published in 1935 and renewed in 1988.
The journal is not connected to any particular religious belief. It aims to critically analyse processes including diverse theological and religious studies fields - comparative religion, church history, sociology of religion, philosophy of religion, textual critics, biblical theology, and others. The journal's target audience is experts and students within the humanities and social studies field and everybody else interested in the scientific analysis of religious phenomena.
"Ceļš" is indexed in SCOPUS (since 2024), and can be found also in EBSCO databases. -
Environmental and Experimental Biology
Environmental and Experimental Biology is an international electronic journal published four times a year, owned by a non-profit-making government-funded university. Original research papers covering all aspects of modern biology are welcome. The EEB publishes original articles, brief communications and reviews. Founded in 2003 as Acta Universitatis Latviensis ser. Biology, since 2010 EEB.
ISSN 2255-9582 (print)
ISSN 1691-8088 (online) -
Humanities and Social Sciences Latvia
The journal Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia is published in collaboration with: Latvian Academy of Culture, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvian Association of Scientists, Latvian Writers Union, World Federation of Free Latvians. The authors are both Ph.D. students and established academics. The articles are a heterogeneous set and cover a number of fields in the humanities and social sciences such as management, economics and sociology.
ISSN 1022-4483 (print)
ISSN 2592-947X (online) -
Journal of the University of Latvia. Law
The Journal of the University of Latvia. Law is an open access double blind peer-reviewed scientific journal, which is issued once a year by the University of Latvia.
The journal aims to promote dialogue among lawyers of Latvia, the European Union and other countries about relevant problematic issues in legal science and possible solutions to them within international law, European Union law, national laws, theory, philosophy, history of law and in other dogmatic sub-branches of law.ISSN 1691-7677 (print)
ISSN 2592-9364 (online) -
Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls Vēsture
The Journal of the University of Latvia. History (“Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls. Vēsture”) is an open-access double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal, which is issued twice a year by the University of Latvia.
The aim of the journal is to promote professional and high-quality research of the past and create a dialogue between researchers, thereby broadening the general understanding of historical processes and events.ISSN 2500-9621 (print)
ISSN 2592-9593 (online) -
Valoda: nozīme un forma | Language: Meaning and Form
Conference proceedings “Language: Meaning and Form” are prepared by the Department of Latvian and Baltic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia.
Indexed in SCOPUS, MLA International Bibliography, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL and Index Copernicus International.
ISSN 2255-9256
e-ISSN 2256-0602