
  • Akadēmiskā Dzīve

    Akadēmiskā Dzīve ir reizi gadā latviešu valodā publicēts starpdisciplinārs žurnāls akadēmiskajai kopienai un citiem ieinteresētajiem par Latvijai un starptautiski nozīmīgiem zinātnes, kultūras un sabiedriskiem jautājumiem, kas jau ir kļuvuši vai kļūst par zinātņu un kultūras vēsturi. Žurnāls publicē oriģinālu, anonīmi recenzētu zinātniskās izpētes darbu rezultātus zinātnes vēstures, humanitāro un sociālo zinātņu jomās, kā arī jaunāko zinātnisku monogrāfiju, nozīmīgu Latvijas zinātnes un kultūras notikumu apskatus.

    The journal Akadēmiskā Dzīve (Academic Life) is an interdisciplinary journal published once a year in Latvian for the academic community and others interested in scientific, cultural and social issues of Latvian and international importance that have already become or are becoming the history of science and culture. The journal publishes original, double-blinded peer-reviewed research results in the fields of history of science, humanities and social sciences, as well as reviews of the latest academic literature and significant Latvian scientific and cultural events.

    ISSN 0516-3145 (print)
    ISSN 2592-9429 (online)

  • Arheoloģija un etnogrāfija

    Zinātniskajā izdevumā Arheoloģija un etnogrāfija tiek publicēti raksti par Latvijas teritorijas un Baltijas jūras reģiona arheoloģiju, bioarheoloģiju un etnogrāfiju, tostarp arī starpdisciplināri pētījumi. Rakstu krājumu izdod LU Latvijas vēstures institūts, bet rakstu autoru loks vienmēr ir bijis plašāks. Izdevumam ir starptautiska redkolēģija, iesniegtie raksti tiek anonīmi recenzēti. Izdevums ar dažādu regularitāti iznāk kopš 1957. gada. Daudzo pastāvēšanas gadu garumā tam bijusi nozīmīga loma ne tikai zinātnisko pētījumu publicitātes nodrošināšanā, bet arī Latvijas arheoloģiskā mantojuma un tradicionālās kultūras vērtību popularizēšanā.

    ISSN 0320-9415

  • Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture

    The Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture (BJELLC) is an open access multidisciplinary international scholarly journal, which is issued once a year by the University of Latvia (since 2011).
    The BJELLC aims to help scholars doing research in linguistics, literature and culture to share their knowledge worldwide through open access. 
    As the journal covers a wide range of topics, it will be a valuable source for scholars, teachers and advanced students. The articles reflect theoretical and empirical interests of scholars from all over the world. The studies focus on synchronic and diachronic as well as comparative aspects of the English language, culture and literature.  

    ISSN 1691-9971 (print)
    ISSN 2501-0395 (online)

  • Baltic Journal of Psychology

    The Baltic Journal of Psychology is published by the University of Latvia and is prepared for publication by the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia. The journal publishes original papers on current issues in psychology as well as empirical, theoretical, and practical articles on broad aspects of psychology.

    ISSN 1407-768X (print)
    ISSN 2592-933X (online)

  • Environmental and Experimental Biology

    Environmental and Experimental Biology is an international electronic journal published four times a year, owned by a non-profit-making government-funded university. Original research papers covering all aspects of modern biology are welcome. The EEB publishes original articles, brief communications and reviews. Founded in 2003 as Acta Universitatis Latviensis ser. Biology, since 2010 EEB.

    ISSN 2255-9582 (print)
    ISSN 1691-8088 (online)

  • Humanities and Social Sciences Latvia

    The journal Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia is published in collaboration with: Latvian Academy of Culture, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvian Association of Scientists, Latvian Writers Union, World Federation of Free Latvians. The authors are both Ph.D. students and established academics. The articles are a heterogeneous set and cover a number of fields in the humanities and social sciences such as management, economics and sociology.

    ISSN 1022-4483 (print)
    ISSN 2592-947X (online)

  • Journal of the University of Latvia. Law

    The Journal of the University of Latvia. Law is an open access double blind peer-reviewed scientific journal, which is issued once a year by the University of Latvia.
    The journal aims to promote dialogue among lawyers of Latvia, the European Union and other countries about relevant problematic issues in legal science and possible solutions to them within international law, European Union law, national laws, theory, philosophy, history of law and in other dogmatic sub-branches of law.

    ISSN 1691-7677 (print)
    ISSN 2592-9364 (online)

  • Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls Vēsture

    The Journal of the University of Latvia. History (“Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls. Vēsture”) is an open-access double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal, which is issued twice a year by the University of Latvia.
    The aim of the journal is to promote professional and high-quality research of the past and create a dialogue between researchers, thereby broadening the general understanding of historical processes and events.

    ISSN 2500-9621 (print)
    ISSN 2500-9621 (online)