Oikonyms of Unknown Origin of the Klaipėda Region: Jan Alzeik, Andullen / Greger Zceyp, Wittblind
place-name, hypocoristic form, Germanism, etymology, Klaipėda RegionAbstract
The article updates the etymology of the place-names Jan Alzeik, Andullen / Greger Zceyp, Wittblind, situated in Klaipėda Region, in the western part of Lithuania.
The region is the only area in Lithuania where the majority of people once used the German language. This circumstance, as well as a cultural environment which differed from the rest of Lithuania, and greatly influenced the formation of the official normative toponymy of this region.
All oikonyms analysed in the article are extinct toponyms. In summing up the research results, one may conclude that these toponyms belong to place-names of West Germanic origin. Only two of them, i.e. toponyms Jan Alzeik and Wittblind, might be ascribed to innovative (i.e. late) toponyms which over time replaced the personal name Lith. Alséika / Alseikà and the inherited place-name *Baltaukšliai.
In summarizing the outcomes of the research into the Lithuanian toponyms Jan Alzeik, Andullen / Greger Zceyp, Wittblind, the following main conclusions are proposed:
- The oikonym Lith. Jan Alzeik presupposes (a) a primary onym of West Germanic origin, cf. top. MLG Alzeke 1435 (with the reflection of a morphophonetic change in the word structure, i.e., MLG ē ↔ ei), or (b) a Germanized form used instead of Lith. Alséika / Alseikà / Alsekis.
- The origin of the toponym Lith. Andullen 1796, just like personal name Latv. Andulis, should be based on a comparison with the personal name OLG Andulf.
- The toponym Lith. Greger Zceyp presupposes a primary onym of West Germanic origin with the meaning *‘a land of Georg Zeip (↔ *‘a man from Zips’ [with diphthongization of -i- (in the position of the open syllable) to -ei- (-ey-)])’ reflected by the hypocoristic form Greger, made from the personal name MHG / MLG Georgius ‘Georg’ and the surname OPol. Zips / Cyps ‘a man from Zips’ (cf. the choronym G Zips ‘Lat. Scepusium– a part of the former Kingdom of Hungary’).
- The place-name Lith. Wittblind belongs to a group of the compounds with metathesis of the first component, i.e., *Wittkenblind← *Blindwittken, originating from adj. G dial. (EPruss.) blind ‘whitish’ and sub. G dial. (EPruss.) Wittke ‘a little fish’, presupposing the reconstruction of an inherited onym of Baltic origin *Baltaukšliai *‘a village of white fishes, i.e. Bleak Village’.
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